2024 Call for Sponsored Panels

CFP: ASA Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland - November 14-17, 2024

The Sports Studies Caucus of the American Studies Association seeks panel proposals for the 2024 Annual Meeting. In particular, we seek proposals that address the 2024 Annual Meeting theme: Grounded Engagements in American Studies

Per the ASA website: "Grounded engagement eats at the kitchen table, rests in nested sovereignties, manifests in home rules, and envisions liberations. It is a fertile place to think through our relationships in, between, and beyond the campus. In examining the intimacies and power of place, we confront settler and racialized structures globally, working towards mapping new strategies that lead to just worlds. By its nature—studying the power structures in the Americas, American Imperialism abroad, and its force worldwide—American Studies is local and global with interconnected and fluid scales."

The Sports Studies Caucus likewise encourages panel submissions that engage Baltimore, Maryland specifically, or the Washington, D.C./Maryland/Virginia (DMV) area more broadly, and their roles in the sporting cultures of the United States. We also urge interested parties to consider non-traditional panel formats and the creation of interlocking or related panel sessions. We are particularly interested in panels that include athletes or other industry figures that might "ground" our intellectual endeavors with the everyday lived experiences of those within sport.

Have a panel idea? Contact the ASA Sports Caucus at asasportsstudiescaucus@gmail.com and we will do our best to connect you with like-minded presenters. Panel proposals submitted by Jan. 19 will be considered for caucus sponsorship by a vote of our members. To be considered, please e-mail asasportsstudiescaucus@gmail.com with a list of panelists and an abstract of 300 words. 

For more information on the American Studies Association and its Annual Meeting, visit https://www.theasa.net/annual-meeting/years-meeting


Grounded Engagements in American Studies - Sports-related Panels